To configure email notification, navigate to Setup, and in the Settings box, choose Email notification.
Email notification can be turned On or Off for Staff, Agent, Customer users.
Define the Form information and Fields that will be included in email notification by selecting fields from the respective Add a field fields.
If Email Notification is turned On, users will receive email notification for Approvals, Actions, and Adding a Participant.
An example of an Approval email notification is shown below. The explanation of why you are receiving the email is displayed at the top and the form information and fields will appear below.
If you have setup Action Trigger types such as a Status level immediate, Status level change, reminder, or a Date field reminder, the action will appear at the top of the email notification message with the due date highlighted and the form information and fields below.
When a user Adds a participant to a form, the user can choose to Notify new participants by leaving the box checked or if they do not want to notify new participants, they can uncheck the box.
If the user chooses to notify new participants that they have been added to a form, the email notification will be sent with a description telling the new participant that they have been added to the form along with the form information and fields.
Watching notification is triggered on a form status level change or if a form has been trashed. Configure Watching by choosing if none, owners, or all participants are watchers of forms. Depending on the selection, Owners, or All Participants will automatically be Watching a form.
Use the email notification history to investigate instances where a user tells you that they did not receive email notification.